
Friday, September 17, 2010

Cambria Lauren Davies

Welcome Cambria!

Our sweet baby girl came into the world and changed our family forever!

Here's the story, but if you don't want all the details then scroll down to the end for Cambria's stats:

It was just an ordinary Tuesday at the Davies' home. Adam went to work while Addison and I stayed at the house doing our normal routine, which consisted of things like making pancakes for breakfast, playing with Tonka cars, watching Ratatouille, and going to the park. Meanwhile, I was having contractions but didn't even think too much of it because there was no real pattern to it. So, we went on our day as usual. Around noon I put Addison down for his nap and decided that it would be a good time to squeeze in a little nap for myself. About an hour and a half passed and I woke up to heavier contractions. I still didn't think much of it though. By this time Addison was awake and I was in the room getting my bags together because I thought, this really might be the day.

After doing laundry and cleaning the house, and even carrying Addison up and down the stairs the contractions picked up a pattern and were about 30 seconds long and 10-15 minutes apart. Adam had come home from work, and I didn't have dinner ready, I hadn't even thought of food at this point so he had to fend for himself in the kitchen. I decided to take a bath and relax, which turned out to only cause my labor to come on even harder and quicker. So, after putting Addison to bed for the night I tell Adam that Cambria is coming and that he needs to get dressed and get my bags out to the car. Luckily, Adam's brother was visiting so we didn't have to worry about having someone come over to watch Addison in the middle of the night.

Anyway, Adam thought we should wait a little longer, he thought we should wait until the contractions were five minutes apart and one minute long. I don't know what he was thinking, but I kept insisting that we go to the hospital around midnight we start leaving. But before we even make it to the car, I have to stop for a moment to make it through a contraction. Once it passes, I tell Adam that I need some water, so he runs back into the house and brings me a full cup. As soon as I drink it, everything comes back up and I am puking all over the sidewalk. I knew that was something normal when going into labor, I guess my body was not only trying to get the baby out, but everything out!

Well, now that we are in the car, headed to the hospital that is about 15 minutes away, Adam is trying to hurry and get us there fast, but every crack and bump in the road made me feel each contraction 100 times more.

When we finally made it to the hospital, we forgot where to go. We had only been to the hospital once before, and since all the maps and signs were in German, we were lost! It was midnight and there was no one around to give us any directions, so Adam found a wheelchair and wheeled me all over the hospital looking for a clue. We eventually found the right floor and I was wheeled right into the labor and delivery unit. My midwife immediately had me lay on a bed to check my dilation, which was already a 6. I was pretty surprised because the pain from the contractions weren't too hard to handle yet.

I wanted to deliver naturally, but knew that somewhere in the middle of it, I may opt out and ask for an epidural so I told the nurses to get everything ready for it. They just stood there and chuckled because there was no way they were going to do it. I was a little upset by it, but after they checked my dilation again, I was at a 10 and ready to go into the delivery room. So, I walked, yes I walked across the hallway to the bed. I knew I really had to focus on the contractions and prepare myself to push at the right time. There were a few times that I lost concentration, but with Adam and my midwife there, I was able to regain my composure and with 5 really hard pushes she came.

My afterbirth endorphins immediately kicked in and I was so so happy! Adam cut the umbilical cord, the the doctor lay Cambria on my chest, skin to skin for a while. I had a few small tears, so the doctor spent 10 minutes or so stitching me up as I held my sweet baby. Once he finished, they took Cambria's stats, wrapped her up and gave her back to me.

My doctor and midwife were truly wonderful, but I wouldn't have been able to do it without Adam by my side. He was there to hold my hand, calm me down, and watch as our new baby, Cambria Lauren, entered the world. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.

Cambria Lauren Davies
Wednesday, August 18 at 1:39 am
6 pounds 14 ounces, 19 inches

We love you Cambria! We are so blessed to have you in our family and can't wait for the new adventure ahead!


Alainarae said...
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Emily said...

She is SO darling! Congratulations!

Kristina said...

Lauren, she is so beautiful! (And I've been checking yours and another former roommate's--who just put her story up today, also--blogs nearly every day, too! :)) Congratulations, babe! I'm so happy for you guys!

Diane said...

Lauren and Adam congratulations!!! She is adorable. I can't wait to see more pictures as she grows. I'm so excited for you two!!!

Rebecca said...

Oh she is so beautiful. Way to go, Lauren!!

Monique said...

Congratulations! She really is beautiful. I love that first picture. Way to go on the natural birth! I've never done it, and won't unless I have to! I'm so happy for you! What a cute mommy you are. :) Take care and try to get some rest. And, by the way, Addison is adorable as well. What a good looking family!

Alainarae said...

OK, I love all the extra details! That is so sweet. Men do weird things when their wives are in labor. My dad made my mom wait for him to shower and put on a suit, only to deliver me in the van on the way there! What a weirdo!

One of the first times I heard Roland curse was when we went to check into the hospital to have Milo. The staff was ignoring me and I was really in labor, and it was hard to stand up, so he cussed at them to hurry and get me into be checked! It was so funny ;)

Its amazing what our bodies can do, and it does feel amazing after they are born and those endorphins kick in.. .I think getting stitches after having Oliver was the worst part! I was in tears about crying, and I didn't cry from labor and delivery! Getting the baby out is all you can focus on.

Good job! Welcome to the crazy life of having two little babies at once! It's fun but crazy...Hopefully we'll get to see you guys before all the kids start kindergarten!

Alainarae said...

That is exactly what Oliver weighed! He seemed sooo teeny compared to Milo's 8lbs 4oz! Enjoy the tiny-ness... I miss that!

The Pyfer Party said...

She is so beautiful! Congratulations!

Trent and Cassie Starnes said...

Congrats Lauren .... she is so beautiful! We are so happy for your family and so glad that the birth went wonderful!

Mike and Sonila Wood said...

Lauren this is such a sweet post. Im so glad i got to read the details:) miss you my friend and I love those cute babies of yours.

Ashley Dickman said...

so exciting!!! she is beautiful!! one of each- isn't it great!??!

Lindsay said...

Congratulations you guys!

You are a tough lady, no epidural. So brave!