
Saturday, November 14, 2009

So Sweet...

This is how Daddy found Addison after dinner


Alainarae said...

He's just tired from all the sightseeing! lol..So cute!

Emily said...

Sooooo cute!

Magen said...

precious! hey lauren I am looking at getting a DSLR and know you have one. can you give me your opinion on yours and what you have...thanks

Shaun and Kelli said...

How long did Daddy leave him in there?? Haha, j/k, that is precious, I have one like that of Michael. It's funny how instead of hurrying to grab them, we grab the camera instead. Priceless! So cute, I can't believe how big he is! Your family picture is soooo cute too, I love it. Hope you guys are well! Any trips home for the holidays?