
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

We want to wish all of our friends and family a happy Easter this year!

The Easter Bunny (AKA momma) came to our house and left us lots of delicious treats...and my favorite Reese's Peanutbutter Cups. She left Addison and Daddy baskets filled with candy and presents! I think Addison wants her to come back every year! We are so thankful for all of the Easter Bunny's gifts.
Most of all we are thankful for Jesus Christ, and for this day we have to reflect on Him and for His Atoning sacrifice. Oh how we love Him and are ever grateful that He is our Savior.


Alainarae said...

You are such a beautiful family! We loved talking to you this morning! Keep posting those beautiful pictures of Addison!

Trent and Cassie Starnes said...

I LOVE the new pic Lauren ... your little family is so beautiful! Hope you are doing great!! Miss ya!

Shaun and Kelli said...

Your family looks soo adorable. Addison is a gorgeous baby! Glad to hear things are going so well! You look great too Lauren!

Karen said...

What a gorgeous family! I love getting family pictures taken. Hope you guys are doing well and Addison is so adorable.

Magen said...


LSDavies said...

Hey... You are the Easter Bunny! Sweet picture..