
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

He's Here!!!

Introducing Addison Knox Davies. He was born at Saint Elisabeth Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany on March 14th at 12:59 pm, weighing 7 1/2 lbs and measuring 21 inches long. Neither words nor pictures can express how we feel about him. Pictures from our trip:


Allison said...

Aaaahhh! Lauren, Adam he's beautiful and mom looks beautiful too. Congratulations! I can't wait to see more.

Rebecca said...

I want to kiss him and he's not even mine! He is gorgeous. That bottom picture---aaaahhhhh! (I scream like Allison!) Congratulations. Welcome to parenthood.

Monique said...

Congratulatoins!!! He's adorable! I just love the feel of a newborn. I hope he's letting you sleep and get some rest! Keep the pics coming!

Ashley Dickman said...

YEAH!!!! I got so excited when I saw that you updated! HE IS BEAUTIFUL Lauren! Isn't it just the BEST thing in the world... and it just keeps getting better! Congrats to the both of you! take care of yourself!

Megan said...

He is BEAUTIFUL! We'll be praying for you guys as you adjust to being a family of three. Congratulations!

(PS - I just found out I'm having a boy, too!)

Unknown said...

What a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations to you both. Love all the sweet pictures and can't wait to see more.

Erika said...

The kids are locked on the computer they want to keep looking at their cousin Addison! They think he is so cute!

Tommy and Megan said...

My gosh he is beautiful! Congrats you too. I am so excited for your new little family! Good luck and update pictures often! We love you guys!

Alainarae said...

You guys, He is so beautiful! I can't wait to talk to you! We've been checking your blog for pictures like 5 times a day! I'm proud of you guys for being so on the ball! Its so funny, I kept seeing you wearing all the maternity clothes that I'm wearing! lol...I hope you feel better now that he's out of you, and that you get plenty of rest... I know its hard to rest for the first few weeks, but I'm sure Adam is helping out a lot! What a Proud Daddy! Congrats, you guys! We love you!

Karen said...

congrats!! He is so adorable and precious and I'm so excited for you.

Caleb and Suzy said...

Hip Hip Horray!!! You did it! Lauren, You look wonderful. I will come and see you guys soon. I will call you in a few hours. What a handsome guy! He looks perfect in every way!

Miranda said...

LOve Him!! Eli can't wait ti be come show him the ropes! Oh, we are so excited for you guys that he is here - We hope that you are feeling good lauren! How can you not though, with that little guy in your arms! hope to see you soon!!

The Ternus Family said...

YAY baby Addison is here! Lauren, he's too cute and you make a beautiful mom! I hope that you're feeling better. I can't wait to see more pictures of him! He's precious! Congratulations!

katie said...

Congratulations! And now the fun begins... Or so I hear...

The James Family said...

yeah!! Pictures!! Im sooo happy for you both and Addison is the beautiful! I hope you guys are enjoying him and getting as much rest as possible! Cant wait to talk to you!

Sean and Rachel said...

wow! All that hair! He's so beautiful. Congrats again Lauren!

Trent and Cassie Starnes said...

CONGRATS ... I LOVE all the pics! Mr. Addison is so adorable! Can't wait to see him grow and hope you are enjoying parenthood!! Get some much needed rest and enjoy every moment!!

Diane said...

Congratulations!!! He is the cutest baby boy!! How exciting!! Remember to put more pictures as he grows!!!

Mary Ann Olson said...

Congratulations! Addison is beautiful!

Melissa & Jimmy said...

Congratulations! He is soooo sweet! We are so excited for you guys! Yahooooo! What a cutie and look at all of that hair!

Shaun and Kelli said...

Congratulations Adam and Lauren. I think he looks just like his mommy. Good luck with being new parents! The first few months can be a bit exhausting but hang on, it gets even better! Take care!

Stephanie said...

Both Mom and baby look beautiful! He's gonna be a cutie so be ready to fight those girls off. Congratulations!!

Magen said...

oh he's handsome!

The Pyfer Party said...

Lauren he is so beautiful! I am so happy for you guys! Being a mom is the greatest blessing!